Last updated
Last updated
Fields = {
weed = { -- ensure these names are unique
props = {
model = 'prop_weed_01', -- prop to spawn
amount = 3, -- amout of the prop that'll be spawned
radius = 10.0, -- the radius the props will be spawned in from the vec3
loc = vec3(647.6458, 6474.1597, 30.7090), -- location for props to spawn
itemNeeded = 'trowel', -- item needed to third-eye on props
itemGiven = 'weed_bud', -- item given when progress completed
amountReward = {min = 1, max = 6}, -- min & max adds a random amout between these values
xpGain = 3, -- xp gained for gathering this item
level = 0, -- level required to interact
progressTime = 10000, -- time for progress to complete
respawnRate = 9.5, -- time for props to respawn after being harvested
animations = { scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_PLANT' }, -- scenario played while harvesting
blips = { useBlip = true, sprite = 140, scale = 0.8, color = 2, useRadius = true, label = 'Weed - Field' }
-- add more below
anotherdrug = {
props = {
model = 'random_prop', -- prop to spawn
amount = 3, -- amout of the prop that'll be spawned
radius = 10.0, -- the radius the props will be spawned in from the vec3
loc = vec3(647.6458, 6474.1597, 30.7090), -- location for props to spawn
itemNeeded = 'trowel', -- item needed to third-eye on props
itemGiven = 'random_item', -- item given when progress completed
amountReward = {min = 1, max = 6}, -- min & max adds a random amout between these values
xpGain = 3, -- xp gained for gathering this item
level = 0, -- level required to interact
progressTime = 10000, -- time for progress to complete
respawnRate = 9.5, -- time for props to respawn after being harvested
animations = { scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_PLANT' }, -- scenario played while harvesting
blips = { useBlip = true, sprite = 140, scale = 0.8, color = 2, useRadius = true, label = 'Weed - Field' }
itemZones = {
filters = {
blip = 51, size = 0.8, color = 5, label = 'Drug Filters', useBlip = true,
loc = vec3(1974.7219, 3819.2529, 32.6363), markerType = 27, width = 5, height = 1,
item = 'coke_filter', -- Item Name
label = 'Coke Filters', -- Label for progressbars
amount = {min = 1, max = 3}, -- It'll add an amount between min & max
time = 8000, -- Time for progress bar to be completed
addxp = 3, -- xp gained for gathering this item
level = 0, -- level reuqired to interact with this item
-- To create more or custom locations simply copy an existing one like so
YourItemsName = {
blip = 51, size = 0.8, color = 5, label = 'Cocaine - YourItemsName', useBlip = true,
loc = vec3(3608.3528, 3745.6841, 27.7101), markerType = 27, width = 5, height = 1,
item = 'YourItemsName',
label = 'YourItemsName',
amount = {min = 1, max = 3},
time = 7500,
addxp = 3,
level = 0,
We’ve developed this script to give server owners the flexibility to create unlimited drug types and custom crafting recipes for each class. Optional built in level system.